It’s Time…

It’s time for me to get my butt back into gear, to get my exercise on… seriously, its time…

Now for those of you that know me, will know that I am not very co-ordinated and that I have a weakness for food, and these things have often gotten in the way of me keeping fit, but a little while ago, somehow I managed to break this cycle… granted I had the massive incentive of my wedding, but it worked and I lost a lot of weight and got a lot fitter and healthier, and I think, although it sounds corny… I was happier.  I was proud of my achievements, and while I still wasn’t supermodel material I had come a long way… but the wedding is over… and now the incentive is gone… well not all of it, but definitely most, and unfortunately over the last little while I have put on a few kilos… I think sometimes when it gets out of hand it is called the marital spread… So it’s time for me to go back to that exercise enjoying person that I somehow became before the wedding.

The thing is though, I don’t actually mind exercise… I am just not very good at being consistent with it.   Over the last year I have tried a whole heap of different things… Zumba, Tae Bo, Step, Aquarobics, Netball (#GoMixedNuts), Running, Walking, Walking really long distances, and all work for a little while.  In fact, I tried to find a blogs where I had spoken about me succeeding in exercise and while there are a few about me and exercise, I don’t think I would call any of them a success.  I am sad to say that most of them are about good intentions that I never followed through with…

There is one about me stacking it at basketball

There are a few about SYG (no.1, no.2)

There is one about me joining a gym… that I never really attended

There is even one about me starting to train for my 2nd half marathon with Jana… which in the end Jana finished… but I failed to even sign up for.

But it’s time to try again, because I need to do something… I don’t want to go back to where I was before, fat, unfit, miserable and super duper self conscious… I want to have energy and fit into clothes the first time I try them on… I want to be happy with my body again, and I want to prove to myself that it wasn’t just a phase… that I can sustain it, before it all becomes just a distant memory.

So I not really sure what I want to do, or where to even start… but I have a set of Zumba and Tae Bo DVDs and a half used prepaid Zumba class card… so I think I will start with that… I think the hardest this is actually just doing it… So here is my promise… tonight… after timbrels I am going to go back to Zumba… this is very frightening because I have heard from a reliable source (the guy that takes my money each week, who also happens to be a friend of my sister in law) that my old Tuesday night Zumba lady is gone and the new one is hardcore… but I think I just need to bite the bullet… so tonight, I will try to remember to take some photographic proof that I can post… accountability… the great motivator…

Ok… here we go… it’s time

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