The List

So… it’s been a while… 12 whole months in fact since I have logged on and updated my blog. I have started writing things, but I haven’t posted. I think there are a couple of reasons… the biggest one being that we are living through a global pandemic and it felt a bit trivial and redundant to spend time writing on here and either pretending life was still grand and we were doing super fun things or pretending to have any kind of wisdom to offer anyone at the moment. I have also spent most of 2021 growing a baby which is hard work so I guess that may have contributed too. Regardless, here I am again… between 3hourly feeds bringing another set of lists for the year.

It is ambitious to you know… make plans… especially after the last two years, but if you don’t hope and make plans you just despair, so we are going with plans, plans for fun, plans for adventure and plans for some normality.

I know this time last year I was waxing lyrical about the potential of 2021… and I have learnt my lesson… just like every other year, this one comes with no guarantees other than it will be its own mixture of good and bad, hard and easy… and that despite the challenges the world will bring, we will continue to make the most of it. Plus we will have the challenge and fun that learning how to be a family of four will bring and the fun of another additional list for her.

I am sure you probably know the drill by now… but just in case… you can get up to speed on all the previous lists here: 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021. So, this year’s lists, just like last year’s, contains some safe options and some that would perhaps currently be considered wishful thinking. Isaac’s list is much the same… although this year his has more fun and than developmental milestones, and we have a brand new list for Tilly, but her’s is mostly developmental goals so I remember to document them. This year I am hoping to find a better balance between documenting and just enjoying and hopefully actually blogging. Eventually, I might even get around to writing about what we crossed off last year. Anyway, here are the lists…

My List

  1. Bring Matilda Home
  2. Try some shampoo concentrate
  3. Sew a piece of clothing
  4. Read 12 books
  5. Use the overlocker
  6. Get my inbox back to 0
  7. Keep my inbox under control
  8. Get my covid booster
  9. Exercise at least 3 times a week
  10. Take two kids out by myself
  11. Start walking regularly again
  12. Go for a run by myself
  13. Return to Parkrun
  14. Go to the movies
  15. Travel somewhere fun in Victoria
  16. Sleep in the backyard or go camping for real
  17. Use the fire pit
  18. Get my step average back up
  19. Have a child free night
  20. Blog at least 15 times
  21. Organise primary school for Isaac
  22. Call/update our grandparents regularly
  23. Take a picture everyday
  24. Keep working on the photo storage
  25. Attend an exercise class
  26. Make a costume for Isaac
  27. Plan our meals again
  28. Read to Isaac and the baby everyday
  29. Go on a date with Isaac
  30. 6 dates with Dave
  31. Brunch with 10 different people
  32. Don’t over book myself
  33. Sing at church
  34. Hear some live music
  35. Swim at the beach
  36. Sing some carols
  37. Take some family photos
  38. Visit all three zoos
  39. Try 4 new restaurants
  40. Learn how to be a better ally to my Aboriginal and Torres Strait brothers and sisters
  41. Walk from cape schanck to bush ranger bay
  42. See a waterfall
  43. Seriously finish and print Isaac’s logs
  44. Fish and chips on the beach at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year
  45. Visit Inverloch
  46. Winter get away
  47. Take Isaac swimming just for fun
  48. Make some new play dough
  49. Put my clothes away within two days of them being washed
  50. Fix the storage in Isaac’s room
  51. Run down under
  52. Bake some meringues
  53. Bake a sponge cake
  54. Get some new glasses
  55. Get a skin check
  56. Attempt to get overseas
  57. Play a board/card game
  58. No Facebook or Instagram after 10:30pm
  59. Keep my car free of rubbish
  60. Do the 2020 & 2021 scrap books
  61. Go through and sort Isaac’s clothes
  62. Go to at least one of Dave’s school concerts
  63. Entertain more guests
  64. Go to the redwoods
  65. Have a cup of tea in the park
  66. Get a haircut
  67. Update the photo wall
  68. Visit 3 new playgrounds
  69. Go to a museum
  70. Have a picnic
  71. Get a solid state hard drive
  72. Have some fairy floss
  73. Remember the big things
  74. Use my gratitude diary
  75. Visit the library
  76. Making some dumplings
  77. Finish the new laundry storage
  78. Have a real iced coffee from a cafe
  79. Wardrobe clean out
  80. Eat a vegetable from our garden
  81. Use my crochet kit
  82. Phones away for dinner
  83. Have a slurpee
  84. Turn the TV off one night a week
  85. Have an Isaac decides day
  86. Start a new family tradition
  87. Have some hot jam donuts
  88. Test drive a new car
  89. Where some non maternity clothes
  90. Learn how to breast feed
  91. Have high tea
  92. Enjoy some soft cheese and dip with abandon
  93. Lie on my stomach
  94. Have soft serve ice cream
  95. Get a massage
  96. Return to playgroup
  97. Catch up with my Mother’s group
  98. Walk up mount lofty
  99. Cook a rack of lamb
  100. Re-start my herb garden

So there you go… A brand new list ready to go