The List 2014 good sizeThe 2014 List Wrap Up

Wow… another year done, another list being signed off… and to be honest I feel like this year the list has been put on the back burner… not because I have stopped loving it, or because it was no good, but because real life got in the way. Which I actually think is really nice… It’s nice to know that I didn’t need the list to make my year what it was, and that my year was awesome even though I only just scrapped through with just a pass… well maybe a credit.  There was so much jammed into this year and while the list didn’t play as bigger part as previous years it still brought a lot of joy to my life… so here is the final re-cap… which is big because it’s been a while since I did a list up date.

Just like all the other years those that have a blog of their own have a hyperlink so you can just click it and read all about it… and the ones that don’t are all listed below with either an explanation of what did or didn’t happen…

  1. Do the 1000 steps – completed: 26/02/14
  2. Make a loaf of bread – completed: 10/11/14
    It was actually four mini garlic breads 
  3. Use my day off productively – completed: 18/12/14
    It may not have been quite the way I had imagined but I think I did use my days off more productively, with errands, moving house and with work…
  4. Cook dinner at least once a week
    I am ashamed to say that this didn’t happen… there are lots of excuses I could make, but they wouldn’t be worth reading.
  5. Do mine and Dave’s family trees – completed: 29/12/14
    I have done the easy bit – back to our grandparents, including their siblings, but now I need to expand a little and get some more detail. 
  6. Try a green juice – completed: 11/01/14
  7. Go to two weddings – completed: 28/03/14 (Wedding 1; Wedding 2)
  8. Eat something from my veggie garden – completed: 8/02/14
  9. Run 5km without walking
    This one is on the list for next year… running you will not win.
  10. Be a more informed consumer – completed: 31/12/14
    I know I still have a long way to go, but I feel like its better to have started the journey than to know nothing at all
  11. Go 1 week without a sometimes food – completed: 1/02/14
  12. Embrace home cooking
    Again not completed…. And only excuses.
  13. Read the New Testament
    I feel like I should just copy and paste from the one above… I did start this one well, but got distracted and it stopped.
  14. Stop back dating blogs…. Post it when it happens or not at all
    Not always consistent, but better… but probably not quite ‘better’ enough.
  15. Go Low FODMAP for a week – completed: 10/03/14
  16. Do another boot camp – completed:1/03/14
    The George women know how to exercise together! 
  17. Get a sun reflector for my car – completed: 14/01/14
  18. Help someone set up a blog – completed: 09/01/14
  19. Review the books I read on amazon – completed: 31/12/14
  20. Send one handwritten note of gratitude to someone each month
    To be honest… I just forgot.
  21. Complement a stranger everyday for a week (different strangers otherwise it would be creepy)
    We even had this as a goal for our small group and I still struggled with it. I know most days I encourage my clients which are kind of strangers… but not quite what I had in mind.
  22. Break a rule – completed: 27/12/14
  23. Swim 50km, not all at once, but over the year
    This was a disaster… I only swam a km… terrible form…
  24. Update my resume (Not because I want a new job but to reflect on my accomplishments) – completed: 27/10/14
  25. Walk/Run 300km – completed 02/11/14
  26. Buy a house – completed: 3/02/14
  27. Do another fun run – completed: 16/11/14
  28. Cuddle a baby less than 6months old – completed: 17/01/14
  29. Get a massage – completed: 29/08/14
    Thankyou Donvale Beauty! 
  30. Be Vegan for 24 hours
    Nup… just didn’t happen… I don’t think I was committed in my heart
  31. Go in a sea vessel… Kayak, Canoe, Paddle boat… whatever – completed: 31/12/14
  32. Go out in country Victoria for the day – completed: 30/08/14
  33. Build a sand castle – completed: 30/12/14
  34. Write at least 3 letters to my prayer pal
    I think I wrote two… Sorry Tess.
  35. Play a board game with friends
  36. Enter a colouring competition
  37. Make a cushion – completed: 20/08/14
  38. Cook fish – completed: 7/01/14
  39. Learn a song on clarinet without Dave’s help
  40. Plant something in the garden – completed: 04/11/14
  41. Play Mini golf
  42. Follow through with Dave’s Christmas present again – completed 15/12/14
  43. Take Dex for a play date with Abe or Diesel
  44. Learn a song on the guitar – completed 16/11/14
  45. Go to Costco – completed: 13/11/14
  46. Try 1 recipe from each recipe book I own
  47. Take Dex for a walk every week
  48. Work as a teacher – completed: 03/05/14
  49. Get some fresh flowers to brighten a room – completed: 22/10/14
  50. Hire a bike and ride around the city
  51. Get a fake tan – completed: 10/01/14
  52. Go to a pump class – completed: 15/04/14
  53. Go to a spin class – completed: 13/02/14
  54. Do something truly Melbournian – completed: 26/07/14
  55. Make my own advent calendar – completed: 26/11/14
  56. Find a train free route to work – completed: 22/01/14
    It is train free, but it’s not all that convenient… I am not sure which is the lesser of the two evils. 
  57. Get a timer for our Christmas lights – completed: 09/11/14
    Although we are a little scared to use it given our old old wiring at home
  58. Go to Bright – completed: 01/11/14
  59. Put Pa’s videos on DVD
    This is still on my wish list though… I am keen to keep things documented. 
  60. Try Pilates – completed: 4/02/14
  61. Use my new paper diary more effectively
    This just didn’t happen… my iPhone reigned supreme.
  62. Be better at visiting my grandparents – completed: 8/12/14
  63. Go to the cricket
  64. Cook all meals at home for a fortnight (no lazy takeaway or eating out just because)
    Again… a fail… maybe next year.
  65. Go fruit picking – completed: 03/11/14
  66. Get awesome Christmas jumpers for Dave and I – completed: 07/08/14
  67. Start my Australia camping pictures map
  68. Go camping
  69. Walk across the bridge in Kilcunda – completed: 10/01/14
  70. Go to a cemetery – completed: 12/01/14
  71. Join a book club – completed: 2/01/14
  72. Read 12 books – completed: 18/10/14
    1. Flash and Bones – Kathy Reichs
    2. Let me off at the top! – Ron Burgundy
    3. Divergent – Veronica Roth
    4. Insurgent – Veronica Roth
    5. Allegiant – Veronica Roth
    6. A Game of Thrones – George R.R. Martin
    7. A long way home – Saroo Brierley
    8. The Fault in our Stars – John Green
    9. The Giver – Lois Lowry
    10. Reconstructing Amelia – Kimberley McCreight
    11. The Rosie Project – Graeme Simsion
    12. The Lunar Chronicles: Cress – Marissa Meyer
  73. Try some regular yoga – completed: 10/04/14
  74. Do 5 different exercise classes – completed: 11/09/14
  75. Do a trail walk/hike – completed: 13/09/14
  76. Go a month without playing games on my phone – completed: 1/02/14
  77. Put some nets on my veggie patch – completed: 15/12/14
  78. Take a photo everyday – completed: 31/12/14
  79. Get there and stay there
  80. Have a picnic in the backyard – completed: 19/12/14
  81. Swim in the ocean at least 5 times – completed: 30/12/14
  82. Actually finish our wedding guest book
  83. Update our displayed photos – completed: 24/05/14
  84. Keep my corner clean – completed: 31/12/14
  85. Pretend to be a morning person – completed: 21/10/14
  86. See the movie Frozen – completed: 12/01/14
  87. Exercise 4 times a week – completed: 31/12/14
    Almost anyway, certainly better again this year, and now that I have joined a gym I have to keep it up.
  88. See ‘Saving Mr Banks’ at the movies – completed: 4/01/14
  89. Have dinner and go bowling with Dustin and Rachel
  90. Do my chores and pull my weight around the house
  91. Just stop picking
  92. Play Super Mario Bros
  93. Save some of my pocket money each fortnight
  94. Cook something from each of my Donna Hay magazines
  95. Try at least one thing from each of my Women’s Fitness magazines
  96. Do my 2012 and 2013 scrapbooks
  97. Wash my car by myself
  98. Go on a push bike adventure with Dave
  99. Finish going through my cooking magazines and either save them or through them out – completed: 22/05/14
  100. Drive a bus – completed: 11/05/14
    There is even video footage of it! 

The grand total… 62 out of 100, certainly not by best year, but actually better than I expected…